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Rates & Payments

Payments may be made automatically from your bank account via the ACH process.

Contact us to receive a form to apply for ACH payments.

Late Payment Policy

  • The "billing date" is the first day of the month following the end of a Quarter (i.e. January 1, April 1, July 1, or October 1).
  • Bills are sent for the quarter within ten (10) days following the billing date.
  • Payment is due within thirty (30) days following the billing date.
  • If payment is not received within thirty (30) days following the billing date a $15 late payment fee will be added to the bill.
  • An additional thirty (30) days is allowed for receipt of payment and late payment fees (i.e. a total of sixty (60) days following the billing date).
  • Failure to pay the amount due within sixty (60) days following the billing date will subject the property to "shut-off" (i.e. termination of service).
  • Notice of potential shut-off will be posted no sooner than sixty (60) days following the billing date, and the date indicated for termination shall be no sooner than seventy-five (75) days following the "billing date".
  • Payments and fees received more than sixty (60) days following the billing date must be in cash, cashier’s check, or other "guaranteed funds".

Late Payment Summary

Action Time Frame
Billing date 1st day of the following quarter
Due date for payment without penalty 30 days following "billing date" 
Due date for payment with late penalty 60 days following "billing date"
Subject to "turn-off " for failure to pay After 60 days following "billing date"
Notification of "Termination of Service" Posted after 60 days following "billing date"
Date for "Termination of Service"

No sooner than 75 days following the "billing date"

Rate Increase:

2019: The treasurer prepared myriad documents in preparation for a potential rate increase in 2019. This spreadsheet shows the District's detailed historical (since 1998) receipts and expenses, plus an estimate of the same for the next five years, including 2019, with a little note regarding the nature of larger expenses. This spreadsheet illustrates the District\'s historical and current Rate Schedules with anticipated annual receipts (based on 2015-2018 quarterly-usage data), plus five slightly different future rate schemes with their respective anticipated revenue. We approved the scheme highlighted in light green on the far right of the sheet (Graph Series 8), which should bring in about $33000 more per year than currently. However, please note that this scheme should result in about 88% of the quarterly bills (those using less than 40000 gals/qtr) increasing only $25 or less than before, or an increase of no more than about $8/month. Charges for the usage of more than 40000gals/qtr will increase substantially.

The TWSD board approved in August 2019 a rate increase to take effect on October 1st, for the 4th-quarter billing.

TWSD Approved New Rate Schedule - effective 10/1/2019:


Min Max Rates $/1000 gal Bill
0 10 0 $100
10 15 1 $105
15 20 2 $115
20 25 4 $135
25 30 6 $165
30 35 10 $215
35 40 14 $285
40 45 18 $375
45 50 22 $485
50 55 22 $595
55 60 26 $725
60 65 26 $855
65 75 30 $1155
75 85 30 $1455
85 95 30 $1755
95 105 30 $2355
Total Annual Revenues:     $152,915